Wavoto blog

Why We Love Pexels + What We're Excited About [Platform Updates]

We’re always looking to delight our users at Wavoto, from big announcements like Funnel Builder this year, all the way to tiny updates, like being able to choose how frequently your website saves. In the past 5 months, we’ve done tons of tiny little updates all across the platform to make your experience on Wavoto as easy and as enjoyable as possible (becaus...

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Pop-Ups And Emails And Shared Pages - Oh My! [Platform Updates]

The past three months we had one major change ( hello Wavoto! ) but we want to share some of the smaller updates we've released to make your experience here a better one! Every month, week, and day our development team is working on minor bugs, feature improvements, and altogether new features and tools (it's so hard to keep these last ones secret). We love ...

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Introducing Wavoto!

Building a business online just became easier with the introduction of Wavoto, which provides all the tools you need to bring your business to life. We've been hard at work since 2015 to turn the overwhelming task of growing your entrepreneurial business online, into a reality. Beginning with 3 Step Solutions, we worked hard to bring all the pieces of your m...

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Better Email Organization Starts Here [Platform Update]

We have an amazing development team that makes our entire platform possible, but not everything they do gets noticed. While we're always working on some major projects (which I'm not going to give away here), there are some little things that pop-up throughout the months that we think you'd love to hear about. We're going to start sharing our favorite little...

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